STEP 2: Open & Connect Your Own Career & College Savings Account

Once you activate and view your child’s Future Fund account, it is time to take the next step.

Open and connect your own college and career savings account and Chattanooga Future Fund will put another $25 reward toward your child’s Future Fund account!

Why should I open a separate account?

Chattanooga Future Fund owns your child’s Future Fund account and only Chattanooga Future Fund can put money there. To start saving your own money for your child’s future and receive additional rewards from the Future Fund, open a separate college and career savings account for the benefit of your child.

What options are there for college and career savings accounts?

You are able to connect one of two types of college and career savings accounts to your child’s Future Fund account. When you complete this step, you will receive the $25 reward in your child’s Future Fund account.

TNStars College Savings 529 Account: This is a type of investment account created specifically to help families save for college and career training. Managed by the Tennessee Department of Treasury, TNStars can help your savings grow over time. Families that choose to enroll in TNStars will need to provide names, address, birthday, and Social Security number for both the guardian and student (beneficiary). Additionally, the families choosing TNStars may also qualify for significant additional matching funds through the Tennessee Investments Preparing Scholars (TIPS) program. Learn more about TNStars and TIPS here.

Pinnacle College and Career Savings Account: This is a savings account that will earn interest over time. It is held at Pinnacle Bank, an insured financial institution and partner with Chattanooga Future Fund. In order to sign up, families will need to provide the names and addresses of the guardian and student. This account does not require a Social Security Number.

You can open either of these accounts when you log in to the Savings Tracker account you set up in STEP 1.

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